Superbe manuscrit autographe - Manuscrit autographe de la traduction en anglais de trois volumes des Manuels du néophyte
Psychic Powers - The Portals of the other World - Transcendental Astrology (Pouvoirs psychiques - Les Portails de l'Au-delà - L'Astrologie transcendantale.
292 feuillets, rédigés au recto, à la plume, encre noire, d’env. 28 lignes à la page, comportant quelques corrections.
Original ink unpublished manuscript of Neophyte Manuals (three volumes) by Francis ROLT-WHEELER
Psychic Powers : The Origin of Psyche. Origin of psychic faculties. Mediumnistic Psychism. The Four Divisions of the Unconcious. The four planes. Cosmic Vision. Akashic Records. Psychic Powers of Collective Unconcious. Nature of dreams. Astral Light and Astral Fluid. The Universal Agent. Subtile plane of Astral Light. The sphere of living symbols. The Divine Communications, angelic and cosmic. Astral Force in self. Human Luminosity. Form and division of Human aura. Luminous Chakras. Astral Fluid. Psychic Healer. Forms of psychic cure : radiesthesistic, mediumnistic… Magnetic and Theurgic Cures. The Cures by Astral Force, by Theurgy. Telepathy : Transmission of the Thought. Cryptomnesy and Psychometry. Universal vibrations. Receptivity of Waves. Receptivity of the Thought. « Memory » of a non-living object. Presentiment, Premonition and Prophecy. Stability of psychic Knowledge. The two aspects of vibrations. Secular Prophecy. Sacred Prophecy. Nature of mediumism. Ethereal Spirits. Triple aspects of mediumnism. Table-Turning. The « ouija ». Automatic Writing : Telekinesis. Communications from High Planes. Technique of automatic writing. Mouvements of objects at distance. Vision, clairvoyance and doubleness. Nature of human vision. The function of the eyes. Function of the thought. Psychic expectation. The developed physical vision. Psychic sight in doubleness. The leaving of the astral body. The silver string. The spiritual vision. Materialisation and Transformation. Extension of mediumnistic power. Ectoplasm before science. Plasticity of ectoplasm. Intervention of the disincarnated spirit. Transformation of the spectre. The Discovery of the Body. Complete materialisation. Invisible and spiritual planes. To see what is not visible. Expectation in miraculous visions. The veracious (true) appearance of a thought-forming. The call for psychic help. Successive lives and the remembrance. Psychic crossed correspondances. The fear of the Unknown. Spiritual character of Psychic Researches. The Portals of the other World : Pre-Existence, Life and Death. Function of death. Mysterious World of Pre-Existence. The Seven vehicles (Bodies). Experiences of the soul. Psychology of the dying Person. Messages from dying persons and dead. Separation of vehicles or bodies. Detachment of the Soul. Visions of the dying person. Detachment of the Astral Body. Detachment of Double Ether. Projection of Astral Ether. Rites in the Funeral Room. Crucifix, Cross or other symbol of Faith. Mirrors to be veiled. Archangels of the Elements. Burial or Incineration ? The Tumulus and the grave. The Valley of Bones. The passage over the sea or River. Methods of mummification. The Tower of Silence. Origin of incineration. Objects buried or burnt with the corpse. Incineration for the Initiate. Pathological states of death. The four categories of terror. The clinging of those « attached to the Earth ». Different variety of vampirism. Werewolf and tiger-wolf. Contagion of vampirism. Inhabitants of Astral Sphere. Possession by Astral Bodies of empty carapace. The Mystery of Purgatory. The problem of intermediate state after death. Religion and Magic. Development of myth. The role of « Karma » in this doctrine. Role of « Hell » in this doctrine. Individualistic Character of christly teaching. Purgatory. Antechamber of the Judgment. Light over Mysteries. Antechamber of Osirian Judgment. The Judgment, according to the Hebrews, according Zoroastre. Intermediate State, according to Mazdeism. The two Judgments in Christian Doctrine. The Guardian of the Threshold. Residence in the House of My Father. The Work of our Solar System. Mission of Planets and planetary Logos. Particular Works of Planets. Spiritualistic Communications. Spirits. Divine Communication. Divine Communications from celestial spirits, from Angels, from disincarnated spirits in the high sky. Communications received by Saints. The Power of the Communicant. The great value of spiritualistic communications. Indivisible Fraternities. Non-spatial Conditions. Non-spatial places. Non-spatial places of Apocalypse. Invisible Witnesses. Transcendental manifestations. Transcendental reception. To tune transcendental message. The work of « Control ». The work of the « Guide ». Spiritualistic Medium by succession. Mystical mediumnism. The Gift of prophecy. Helping Fraternities. Fraternities of Arts, Letters and Science. Invisible Fraternities. Those who have to be born again. Cosmic Rhythm and Reincarnation. Divine Sparks. The principle of Spiritual Evolution. The Lords of Birth and Death. Character of each incarnation. Dynamism in Cosmic Cycle. Transcendental Astrology. The Principles of Celestial order. Order of Divine Succession. Definite Project of the Great Whole. Cyclical Character of Manifestation. Cycles of successive Creations. Divine and Hierarchical Powers. « God, the Thearchy or Divine Principle ». Divine Attributes and Trinity. Celestial Beings, intermediate in Divine Work. Celestial Essence and Cosmic Spirits. The First Hierarchy of Celestial Spirits. The Three Superior Orders : Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. The Three Middle Orders. The Third Hierarchy – The Three Inferior Orders : Principalities, Archangels (Archon) and Angels. The nine Orders of Cosmic Spirits. The Mission of Planets. The Servant of God. Mercury (Hermes) the Winged Messenger. Venus. Mars, the Master of Force. Jupiter the Genius of Ideal. Saturne, the Genius of Reality. Unranus, the planet of mental sub-conscious. Neptune, the planet of emotive sub-conscious. Pluto. The Lords of Cycles. The Circle divided in 360 degrees. The Cycles of Civilisation. Cosmic Cycles. The Lords of the Day and Night. The Lords of the four quaters of heaven. Regulus. Aldebaran. Fomalhaut. Antares. The Masters of « Doors of Birth ». Sirius. Canopus. Altair. The Masters of « Doors of Departure ». Vega. Capella. Spica. Acrux. The great Vibratory Laws. Destiny of Civilisation. The Cycle of Twelve in History of Civilisation. Names attributed to Constellations. The Sign of Virgo as starting point. The Sign of Lion and Sphinx. The Sign of Cancer and Moon. The Sign of Gemini or Dioscuri. The Sign of Bull, Apis and Minotaur. The Sign of Ram, the sacrifice. The Logos and the Masters of Epochs. The Lords of the Rays. Logoi, Intelligences and Planetary Spirits. Adam-Quadmon, the Celestial Man. Adepts and Masters. The Guardians of Births. Horoscopes of high vibrations. Planets in relation to successive lives. Evolution of Individuality. Experiences of Personality. The Seals of Solomon – Individuality and Personality. Planetary Cycles. Numbers in Transcendental Astrology. The Future of Humanity. The Great Cycles of Planetary Recurrence. Great Chronocrators, etc. etc.
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